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A·A Project (Art&Architecture Project)


Savina Museum of Contemporary Art, where convergence with other genres is a crucial characteristic of exhibition planning, has carried out an Art&Architecture Project which artists and architects collaborate from the beginning of the construction of the museum. Savina Museum is a triangular five-story structure, with natural lighting that surrounds the walls of concrete from ceiling to inside of the building and blends in with the natural environment surrounding it. From the design stage, artists and architects studied the space, light, structure, and lines of a building together through months of workshops, and explored each genre. The result naturally permeates in the museum’s architecture, rather than being displayed in a traditional white-cube exhibition space. Visitors will find amazing works throughout the museum.
● Participated Artists
BumSu Kim, SeungYoung Kim, Kijin Park, Daewon Yang, Gilrae Lee, Jin Dalle& Park Woohyuk, SeonTae Hwang,
Bernd Halbherr

● Participated Architects
SPACE GROUP : Sanglim Lee, SeokWoo Nam, Hyewon Jeon, ChungHeon Lee, EunKyung Kang.